Recovery Goals and Recovery Planning

Now that you have your Recovery Capital score, here are some ways to increase your recovery capital to sustain better health outcomes. 

Robert Granfield and William Cloud introduced and elaborated on the concept of “recovery capital” in a series of articles and a 1999 book, Coming Clean: Overcoming Addiction without Treatment. They define recovery capital as the volume of internal and external assets that can be brought to bear to initiate and sustain recovery from alcohol and other drug problems. Recovery capital, or recovery capacity, differs from individual to individual and differs within the same individual at multiple points in time. Recovery
capital also interacts with problem severity to shape the intensity and duration of supports needed to achieve recovery. This interaction dictates the intensity or level of care one needs in terms of professional treatment and the intensity and duration of post-treatment recovery support services.

Your results from this assessment cannot be considered a diagnosis of addiction and should not be considered as such. 

If you score between 40 and 60, keep doing what you are doing, seek mutual support group help, and consider a recovery coach

If you score between 20 and 40, We suggest you watch the Recovery Management Video, download the Recovery Goals Worksheet, attend mutual support meetings, and possibly participate in outpatient recovery services.  Please be aware of harm reduction services, call your local health authority for support services, and visit our Get Help Now page for services in your neighbourhood. 

If you score below 20, You may wish to consider addiction treatment in a bed based services, download the Recovery Goals Worksheet to build your recovery capital, and if your results do not change in 30 days, bed-based treatment that builds recovery capital may be your best option.  Be sure to know what harm reduction services are in your community.